A Brief List of Product Management Assessment Tools

Screenshots of the various PM assessments

I’ve written quite a bit about the PMwheel tool I created. Did you miss those posts?
If so, you can find an overview of the PMwheel here, a guide for product managers to use the PMwheel for self-assessment here, and a guide for product leaders to use the PMwheel as a coaching tool here.

Occasionally, people ask me if there are any alternatives to the PMwheel. While I have a strong bias toward the PMwheel (I created it, after all!), I’ve begun to compile a list of other product manager assessment resources that are out there.

You can check out:

Did I miss anything?
If you know of any additional resources for product managers—or anything similar for engineers, designers, or user research folks, please let me know! I’ll continue to update the list over time. 

Career Ladders for Product People

If you’re interested in career ladders for product people, I have a super simplified take on it in my book. If you want to read more from other people, here are some additional resources to check out. 

simplified PM career ladder